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Inventors Famous Inventors : D

Gottlieb Daimler
Invented a gas engine that allowed for a revolution in car design.

Raymond V Damadian
Invented the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner that has revolutionized the field of diagnostic medicine.

Abraham Darby
English scientist that invented coke smelting and advanced the mass production of brass and iron goods.

Newman Darby
Innovations in windsurfing.

Charles Darrow
Designed a later version of the game Monopoly.

Joseph Dart
In 1842, the first grain elevator was built by Dart.

Leonardo DaVinci
The Renaissance man - learn about the artist as a famous inventor, his inventions, and his life.

Humphry Davy
Invented the first electric light.

Mark Dean
Co-invented improvements in computer architecture that allow IBM compatible PCs to share the same peripheral devices.

John Deere
Invented the self-polishing cast steel plow.

Lee Deforest
Invented space telegraphy with the triode amplifier.

Ronald Demon
Received a patent for the "Smart Shoe".

Robert Dennard
Received a patent for RAM or random access memory.

Sir James Dewar
He was the creator of the Dewar flask, the first thermos, and the co-created cordite, a smokeless gunpowder.

Earle Dickson
Invented bandaids.

Rudolf Diesel
Invented the diesel-fueled internal combustion engine.

Daniel DiLorenzo
DiLorenzo designed, built, and microsurgically implanted neuroelectric interfaces that provide a patient with the sensory feedback otherwise lacking in paralyzed or even prosthetic limbs.

Walt Disney
Produced many famous animated films - invented the multiplane camera.

Carl Djerassi
Invented oral contraceptives.

Marion Donovan
The convenient disposable diaper was invented by New Yorker, Donovan in 1950.

Toshitada Doi
Aibo creator - numerous patents.

Herbert Henry Dow
Herbert Dow was the famous inventor of a process of extracting Bromine, the founder of Dow Chemicals, and also invented electric light carbons, steam and internal combustion engines, automatic furnace controls, and water seals.

Charles Stark Draper
Invented a gyroscope that stabilized and balanced gunsights, bombsights and launching long-range missiles.

Cornelis Jacobszoon Drebbel
Among Drebbel's many inventions are: the first navigable submarine, a scarlet dye, and a thermostat for a self-regulating oven.

Dr. Charles Richard Drew
The first person to develop the blood bank.

Richard G Drew
Banjo playing, 3M engineer, Richard Drew invented Scotch Tape.

D F Duncan Sr
Duncan created the first US yo-yo fad.

John Dunlop
The famous inventor of the first practical pneumatic or inflatable tyre/tire.

Graham John Durant
The co-creator of Tagamet  - inhibits the production of stomach acid.

Peter Durand
Invented the tin can.

Charles and Frank  Duryea
They founded America's first company to manufacture and sell gasoline-powered vehicles.

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