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Famous Invention - From A to Z Find Any Famous Invention

The world is made of famous inventions, easily research this history and find any famous invention with A-to-Z lists, famous invention timelines, and history essays.
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Famous Inventions The A To Z List
From air conditioner to zipper, sites listed alphabetically by the name of the famous invention. Use top index bar to navigate and select. The largest and most complete index on this website.
Famous Inventions from Canada
Canadians have patented more than one million inventions, but yet few people can name one inventor from Canada. A listing of some of those great practical gifts invented by Canadians.
History of Computers and the Internet
This series covers many of the major milestones in computer history with a concentration on the history of personal home computers.
Ancient Native American Inventions
Totem Pole - Toboggan - Tipi - Kayak - Birch Bark Canoe - Snow Shoes - Lacrosse - Moccasins
Top Ten Famous Inventions
Our most popular famous inventions as researched by our readers.
Featured Stories on Famous Inventions
Archived list of over fifty interesting famous inventions, with a lengthy article on each written by Mary Bellis.
Medical Inventions
Medical inventions are listed alphabetically and lead to an article on the history of that invention.
Future Technology
This was a wish list that was originally intended to provide inspiration for inventors. First written in April of 1997, I thought it might be fun to follow-up each year and find out if anyone has been working on these ideas for future technology.

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