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Inventors 21st Century Modern Inventions 2000 - 
<1000 - 1300s<1400s<1500s<1600s<1700s<1800 - 1850<1851 - 1899<1900 - 1925<1926 - 1950<1951 - 1975<1976 - 1999<2000+

Segway Human Transporter<<<2000

Modern Inventions of 2000

Modern Inventions of 2001
  • AbioCor artificial heart invented by Abiomed - the Abiocor represents groundbreaking medical miniaturization technology.
  • Nuvaring birth control invented by Organon.
  • Artificial liver invented by Dr. Kenneth Matsumura and Alin Foundation.
  • Fuel cell bike invented by Aprilia.
  • Self-cleaning windows invented by PPG Industries.
  • Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2001
Modern Inventions of 2002
  • Braille Glove invented by Ryan Patterson.
  • Phone tooth invented by James Auger and Jimmy Loizeau.
  • Nano-tex - nanotechnology wearable fabrics invented by Nano-tex LLC.
  • Birth control patch invented by Ortho McNeil Pharmaceutical.
  • Foveon Camera Chip invented by Richard Merrill.
  • Date Rape Drug Spotter invented by Francisco Guerra.
  • Solar Tower invented by Jorg Schlaich.
  • Virtual keyboard invented by Canesta and VKB.
  • ICOPOD invented by Sanford Ponder.
  • Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2002

Modern Inventions of 2003

Modern Inventions of 2004

  • Adidas 1 the thinking shoes with a built in microprocessor that decides how soft or firm support the wearer needs. Chosen by Popular Science magazine as the best recreation invention of 2004.
  • Translucent Concrete developed by Hungarian architect Aron Losonczi and called LitraCon and is based on a matrix of parallel optical glass fibers embedded into the concrete that can transmit light and color from the outside. However, this is not the only translucent concrete out there. Inventor Bill Price has been developing another variety.
  • Ka-on or Flower Sound are plants that play music invented by the Japanese based Let's Corporation. Flowers bouquets will act as loudspeakers when placed in a special vase that has electronics hidden in the base.
  • Intel Express Chipsets - Grantsdale and Alderwood are the code names of Intel's newest chips that will provide superior and inexpensive built-in sound and video capacities for the pc including the ability to do high definition video editing without additional computer cards.
  • SonoPrep invented by bioengineer Robert Langer, is a device that will deliver medication by sound waves rather than injection. According to the Sontra Medical Corporation, SonoPrep's manufacturer: The small, battery-powered device applies low-frequency ultrasonic energy to the skin for 15 seconds. The ultrasound temporarily rearranges lipids in the skin, opening channels that let fluids be delivered or extracted. After about 24 hours, the skin returns to normal.
  • Popular Science Best of What's New 2003
  • Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2004

Listings in A to Z order:
Modern Inventions A-Z
Inventors A-Z

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21st Century Inventions
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Twenty-First Century

From Mary Bellis,
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