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Inventors British Inventor Organizations 
Websites of Value to Professional Inventors Living in the United Kingdom

british inventorsUnited Kingdom

Patent Office - Government Offices

United Kingdom Patent Office
Responsible for Intellectual Property (Copyright, Designs, Patents and Trade Marks) in the UK.

British Library Patents Information Service
Offers free patent searching clinics, patent and intellectual property collections, patent reading room, fee based patent searches and copies, and other information.

Grants and Loans - Business Support

Department of Trade and Industry
DTI aims to promote enterprise, innovation and increased productivity - in particular by encouraging successful business start-ups, and by increasing the capacity of business, including SMEs, to grow, to invest, to develop skills, to adopt best practice, and to exploit opportunities abroad.

Innovator's Counselling and Advisory Service for Scotland (ICASS)
Facilitates the commercialization of innovative ideas originating in Scotland.

National business advice service.

NESTA - National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts
Grants for inventions

Investors and Venture Capital - U.K. Based
Private Investor Exchange
National Business Angels Network

Professional Support and Patent Law

Chartered Institute of Patent Agents (Professional Fee Based Services)
The Chartered Institute of Patent Agents (CIPA) is the professional and examining body for patent agents (also known as patent attorneys) in the United Kingdom.

Institute of Inventors (Requires Paid Subscription)
The Institute of Inventors is a voluntary, non-profit Inventors' Club, run by professional engineer inventors, offering low-cost evaluation of new ideas, gadgets and inventions, prototype drawings and development, patent specification, drawings and applications, and licensing of intellectual property.

British Inventions 
British Inventions is a free service for inventors - display and promote your invention, and investors and backers - view a database of inventions and make contact with British inventors.


Institute of Patentees and Inventors
The Institute has among its membership not only inventors but patent attorneys, marketers and others who can provide expert advice to its membership on the complex issues relating to invention and innovation. These issues cover not only intellectual property rights but also topics as diverse as originality searching, manufacturing practices, pricing practices, presentation techniques, funding and other subjects relating to the exploitation of an invention.

British Institute of Inventors
38, Alma St,
Lancashire M30 0EX
0161 789 8474

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